Do you know how it feels to discover you’re beautiful as you are, not as you could be?

Slow your scroll, cause this is for you. Yes, YOU.

At the end of the day, you can come up with a million reasons not to do a boudoir photoshoot. 

You can also find the light inside you that inspires you to do one. Deciding to take the jump is scary and may push you outside of your comfort zone. But I promise you, that being uncomfortable can cause growth. Start your journey of self-love, and celebrate the queen that you are!

If you’re anything like most women I’ve photographed, you’ve considered a boudoir session out of your comfort zone. But, you probably haven’t been gearing yourself up for the day that you pose half-naked in front of a complete stranger!

Wichita Kansas Best Boudoir Photographer // Avid Artistry
Wichita Kansas Best Boudoir Photographer // Avid Artistry

Yet, here you are, about to cross off another item of your bucket list, and you have no idea how to prepare.

Not to worry! The truth is, that you don’t have to be a supermodel or have any training whatsoever for a boudoir session.

Wichita Kansas Best Boudoir Photographer // Avid Artistry
Wichita Kansas Best Boudoir Photographer // Avid Artistry

No, you don’t have to starve yourself, or workout to utter exhaustion to do a boudoir session.

The truth is, you should do a session where you are and as who you are. Right now.

When I started photographing boudoir sessions, I realized how much joy and confidence these sessions bring to the women who do them. Not because they got into the best shape of their life (although some book a session to celebrate victories) but because they wanted to feel beautiful.

Do you know how it feels to discover you’re beautiful as you are, not as you could be?

You ARE capable of being seductive, beautiful and bold when you allow yourself to be.

Lastly, trust yourself. Your session is not going to look like anyone else’s. That’s a good thing. It’s what makes you so beautifully unique and you. In my experience, many women have an expectation that makes them hope, but also fear. In the end, though, the session brought them an experience they didn’t expect, a new found confidence in themselves, and proof that they are stunning and original, with the photographs to prove it.

So. Are you ready?

Wichita Kansas Best Boudoir Photographer // Avid Artistry
Wichita Kansas Best Boudoir Photographer // Avid Artistry
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