Can I let you in on something I have been thinking about and for the future of Avid?

Boudoir can be anything. I have photographed boudoir for 6 years and I think of boudoir not so much of laying on a bed in your intimates. I love pushing and creating art while touching on boudoir. A woman’s most intimate moment with herself for herself.
This is my most recent why. I am hoping in the future to take down the walls per say, the walls of the studio… I often say to clients once they arrive, “Hey babe the door is locked you are free to express yourself.”
I’d like to keep that door unlocked. (huge metaphor going on in my head, haha!)
I am aiming to create an experience on land, that my great grandmother owned, that allows women to be free and expressive while moving with nature and connecting with her energy.
It’s been far too often recently that I walk into the studio and just see stuff everywhere. I look at it all and I can’t help but think when did it become all about this? Material things that sure make for good props. But are we focusing on the props or our beauty and well the main subject? You?
I hope this makes sense on my thoughts. I feel we can make a more engaging experience and have the ability to create an environment made for women.